Here are some random examples of our inspection
reports. These are actual inspection reports that have not been altered or
doctored in
any way except to protect privacy. Final Analysis does not engage in, or
permit deceptive or misleading internet marketing practices.
" What you see is What you get "
Your report will be similar to these examples. Containing links, photos, video,
etc. There will be NO hidden fees or surprise cost during the inspection.
Reports are stored and backed up for 10 years on our secure servers. They can
be viewed from any computer or internet device at any time.. All reports can be
downloaded, saved to your computer, printed, emailed, forwarded, shared, burned
to CD, converted to PDF or sent Us mail. There are no delivery format
Home Seller
Listing / Sales Inspection
Sell your home faster, for more money and less aggravation.
Many sellers are now getting home inspections to Identify problems to their
advantage and get their home in top notch condition before the buyer shows
up. These inspections come with a Free warranty, Free re-inspection and ASHI
certificate of compliance.
see report |
Home Seller
Builders Inspection
Many builders are now getting home inspections to Identify problems on
systems, products and sub-contractor workmanship in order to ensure their
buyers are getting a quality home. Builders who are getting these pre-sale
inspections are confident in their work and want to be pro-active about
customer satisfaction.
see report |
Home buyer
Old Home
Old and antique home are our specialty. These
old homes are beautiful and come from an era when quality craftsmanship was
normal. But they are still old and housing technologies have changed greatly
over the years. There are many pitfalls in old homes that just aren't
acceptable anymore. It's very important to know that the structure is sound
and the systems have evolved to meet modern requirements of safety and
see report |
House |
Townhouse |
Home buyer
Rehab or Remodel Inspection
(flipped property)
Many people buy distressed properties with the intention of rehabilitating
and selling for profit. 9 times out of 10 these properties are a mess.
Simply because the owners doing the work don't have to be experienced
licensed contractors and are not subject to any building standards. They
typically don't use professionals as that would eliminate their profit
report# 1
report#2 Townhouse |
Home Owner
Post Purchase
(after closing)
Some people get an inspection after they close on the home purchase because
they want to know what condition the home is in and any repairs needed.
(This particular house was inspected
just weeks after the closing. Unfortunately there where several thousands in
repairs needed that the sellers may have repaired if the inspection was done
before closing. Although the buyer paid much more than he should have, a
late inspection that reveals serious problems is better than no inspection
at all) see report |
Commercial Inspection Commercial
inspections are done for many reasons but all for the basic business purpose
of cost prudence and investment protection. Perhaps it's a retailer about to
sign a 3-5 year lease on a store front or maybe a management company who is
responsible for maintenance and upkeep. We do all commercial inspection
ranging from new steel buildings and antiquated city building, partial
evaluations, specialty inspections and processes. Our inspections and
reports can be customized to your specific needs. |
Final Analysis Home Inspection
Phone: 757.495.2300 E-mail: